Alt Tag (Alternative Text Tag)

This tag supplies detail about an image. It helps folks with disabilities access your website as well as gives information about the image to those who have text-only browsers or who surf the web with graphics turned off.

Title Meta Tag

Some consider this to be the most important Meta Tag (tags describe certain parts of a web page). Each page should have it's own descriptive title using keywords appropriate to that page. Title tags are displayed at the top of the website page window as well as the title of a result in a search query.

Meta Tag

This tag can be used as the description of a website page in a search query. Keywords relevant to the page should be used.

Keywords Tag

Keywords for the specific page can be listed in this tag. It is a good place to use various spellings, abbreviations or plurals for keywords. This tag has lost importance due to abuse in the attempt to improve ranking.

Keyword Research and selection

Keyword selection is one of the most important elements of web optimization. A keyword is a word submitted in a search query in order to find relevant information/websites. The keywords chosen should be relevant to your particular industry and to the emphasis of your company. Finding a niche within your industry and using relative keywords will not only cut the competition, but will help find serious visitors.

Choosing a domain name

Use keywords in domain name if possible.

Keyword placement in content

Content is different for every page - and keywords should reflect this; make them relevant to the subject of the page. When placing keywords in content, it should read naturally. Choose a handful of keywords from your keyword list and use different versions of them throughout the page. This is tricky - be careful not to overuse them or the web crawlers may see it as spam. Keyword placement is an ongoing process and as web traffic is monitored, keywords can be changed.

Use breadcrumbs

Also known as a breadcrumb trail, this is a navigation tool to shows the user where they are and how they got there. Previous pages can be accessed through this "trail".

DIY & Hourly SEO

Search Engine Optimization tips for the DIYers!

If you have an interest in SEO there are many books out there that do a good job of describing these techniques. Thank you Ben Norman for your book 'Get to #1 on Google in Easy Steps' . His book and several others were very helpful in putting together the following content. Visit our Resources page for more links to helpful sites.

Inward links are great. These are links to your website from other websites. The logic behind this is if other websites are willing to link to your website, it means that yours must have good, relevant, and useful content. Try to find important sites with good ranking and RELEVANCE to your website and industry.

Directory links

In a web browser window, type "directory + your industry" in the search query. Sign up for any that look interesting.

Top ranking sites

Do a search for your industry or keywords and see who is at the top. Research to see if any of those websites would be willing to link to your website.

More links

In a search query, search for "your industry + links + link + site". Peruse the results and create links where possible/appropriate.

Visit forums

Make sure they are relevant to your industry. Leave a signature and a link to your website. Try to find forums where the link (text) back to your site can be customized. It is good practice to add keywords to this anchor text if possible.

Write an article

To submit online enter "article + your industry/topic". Look through the results to find websites where you can submit your article.

Create a resource page

This is a page for outward links as well as reciprocal inward links. Create an email link that interested parties can use to send their links. If they are relevant to your website and industry, put them on your site! Most likely they would reciprocate the link. This is a more difficult DIY project - if necessary your web designer can help.

Become indispensable!

Create or give something away that people will want: great content (super!), free downloads, articles, tools that link back to your site - or anything else unique and desirable.

Create a blog

Visit www.blogger.com


Create videos relevant to your industry and upload them to YouTube, and make sure they link back to your site.

Build social media

Social media such as facebook and twitter are powerful connective tools that can increase traffic and ranking. This is a large undertaking all on its own. Begin with one and grow your list from there.

The following sites can help find social media websites:

http://traffikd.com/social-media-websites/ - (by interest)
http://www.prelovac.com/vladimir/top-list-of-social-media-sites - (by popularity)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_social_networking_websites - (alphabetically)

Here's a peek at a popular few:

Facebook - general

Twitter - general

YouTube - videos

Flickr - images

Digg - general

Blogger - blogs

LlinkedIn - leading business networking sites

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